Book Blitz: An Erie Garden Party by V. L. Locey (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title: An Erie Garden Party

Author: V.L. Locey

Series: Lake Erie Shifters, Book 3

Publisher:  Torquere Press

Release Date: 4/13/16

Pairing: Male/Male

Length:  32k words

Genre/Tags: Paranormal, M/M Romance

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An Erie Garden Party


Spring has finally arrived along the shores of Lake Erie and no one is happier than skunk shifter, Templeton Reed. Now that the snows have melted, he can frolic and play on the grounds of Lupei Manor, the formidable home that he shares with his life partner, Mikel Lupei, the alpha of the Lake Erie pack. What a pity that his joy is short lived.

Not only does a stranger appear to shake things up in the manor, bodies begin showing up on the grounds as well! Could the newcomer to the pack be the one viciously killing innocent humans and shifters? Or is there a more nefarious force at work lurking just outside the boundaries of the ancient manse Templeton, Mikel, and their LGBT friends call home?


“Son of a human,” Mikel snarled.  He stripped and shifted. I stood with his clothes over my arms, watching the wolf work the scent. He padded to the lake, snuffled the shore intently, and then slowly made his way back to the corpse. I turned my head to stare at Erie when he shoved his head under the bloody sheet to smell the body. The water seemed almost tranquil today. How I wished we were planning our spring fete instead of standing here beside a dead man. Mikel tapping my arm brought my attention from the Great Lake back to him. I handed him his pants.

“So, what can you tell us about this poor man’s fate?”

“He’s human.” Mikel zipped his trousers vehemently. “And he was killed by a large animal, either wolf or bruin. Whoever did this dragged him through the lake to mask the scent. I’ll have to gather the pack to scour the woods. Damnation.”

“Oh dear me,” I sighed. “I suppose the call must be made then.”

Mikel threw his head back and stared at the soft white clouds ambling past. “Yes. We have to notify the Elder counsel. That is standard operating procedure when a human is involved in mystical matters. Damnation!”

I reached out to pat his thick bicep. I wasn’t sure he wanted consolation but I offered it anyway. He placed his hand over mine.

“Let me know when they plan to arrive. I’ll take a long stroll through the woods.”

Mikel’s lip rolled as he turned to look down at me. “I hate that as well. You should be at my side. This mansion is as much your home as it is mine.”

“Yes, well, the times they aren’t a changing as rapidly as needed,” I smiled then snuggled into his wide chest. His arms cinched around me tightly, his smoky shirt smashed between us. My ear rested over his strong heart. “If one of the Elders saw me here it would raise questions. I know we have a lie all in place, but I for one do not wish to put that lie to the test. Better I enjoy the forest for an hour or so while they attend to this mess.”

“I love you beyond words, Templeton,” Mikel said into my black hair. “Someday, I swear, we shall not have to hide our love for each other.”

“From your mouth to the Elders’ ears,” I whispered, then tipped my head up for a kiss. We both needed one. Pity it couldn’t be a longer one, but it was tender.


Torquere Press

Erie Garden Party Square v1Meet the Author

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and three Jersey steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand.

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Rafflecopter Prize: One winner will be selected to win an eBook copy of An Erie Garden Party

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Book Blitz: Laid by A.J. Llewellyn (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Laid Banner v1Title:  Laid

Author: A.J. Llewellyn

Series Title and Number: Massive Studio Series, Book 1

Publisher:  Torquere

Cover Artist: John Bruno

Release Date:  4/6/16

Heat Level: 5

Pairing: M/M, M/M/M, M/MM/M

Length 20,567 Words

Genre/Tags: Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Cops, Suspense

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 From the mind of gay porn director John Bruno comes the first book in the Laid series, penned by author A.J. Llewellyn…

Jack Cannon is an elite member of LAPD’s new Violent Crimes Unit. He’s tough, he’s smart…he’s also gay. Jack’s a guy who deals with pressure and stress by cruising. When he has a fling with a hot guy one even hotter night in Los Angeles, it’s no casual coupling. This guy is great. Jack wouldn’t mind seeing him again except he’s discovered he’ll be seeing a lot of him. This is Lucio Natale, the most violent mob boss ever to land in the city of angels.

He’s the guy Jack’s supposed to tail—and preferably kill.

Previously Published by Stiff Rain Press.


I flashed my membership card. The twink on the front desk smiled at me. He was a sweet little cocksucker who reminded me a lot of my favorite gay porn star, Leo Giamani, but I wanted to scope the locker and steam rooms.

There were a few loiterers in both, nothing worth investigating. I was starting to think my urge for a hot fuck after the biggest haul in my personal memory was going to be a bust.

And then, I saw him.

Man, he was hot. He had a body that appealed to my sense of aesthetics. His skin tone was the color of milky coffee, his hair dark. Nice cock, thick, big, half-hard. He was running his hands through his hair, about to turn off the shower taps when he saw me.

We traded glances and he gave me a half-smile.

I held up a finger and his smile widened a fraction. I quickly dumped my stuff in a locker, grabbed a lambskin condom and joined him in the shower.

His gaze fell on my cock, which was big, hard and ready to play.

Fuck, he mouthed and turned around. His face was beautiful, his ass even sweeter. Hands splayed against the wall, water ran down his back and I heard him moan as I tore the package open with my teeth and rolled that rubber over the length of my shaft. I stroked it down, smoothing out the ridges and ran my hands over his ass. His skin was warm. My thumbs reached into his ass crack. Nice and tight.

I ran my fingers ran over his hole and he squirmed against them. Shit, he was ready. I inched my cock toward his ass and felt the heat before I was even close. I sliced into him and felt his hole resist, then embrace me. I fucked him slowly at first and he pushed into my hips. I gripped him with both hands, but I didn’t need to worry. His muscular legs were planted firmly on the floor and he wanted to be fucked.

I kept one hand on his ass, moving the other around his belly, reaching between his thighs to stroke him off. I like the feeling of a guy coming when I am. I love the way their ass muscles bear down on my cock. Hell, if he’s bringing me heaven, I should save a slice for him.

We fucked like we’d been doing it forever. He anticipated every move I made. And yet…and yet it was new and exciting. The thrill of being caught kept me hard until I felt his come spurt over my fingers and splash the wall. My cock was caught in his grip and I shot inside him, my mouth moving to his neck. I wanted to bite him, don’t ask me why. I never want to kiss the guys I fuck, but this one seemed surprised, then turned his face and his tongue ran right across my lips and I thought I would never stop coming.


Torquere Press

Laid Square v2

Meet the Author

 A.J. Llewellyn’s obsession with myth, magic, love, and romance might have led to serious stalking charges had it not been for the ability to write. Thanks to the existence of some very patient publishers, A.J.’s days are spent writing, reading and dreaming up new worlds. A.J. has definitely stopped Google-searching former boyfriends and given up all ambition to taste test every cupcake in the universe to produce over 200 published gay erotic romance novels.

A.J. wants you to read them all. A.J. can be found lurking on Facebook and Twitter—part-time class clown being another occupation. When not writing or reading, A.J.’s other passions include juggling, kite-boarding, and spending a fortune buying upgrade apps for Pearl’s Peril and Farm Heroes Saga.

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Available for Review: The Final Straight by Charlotte Howard


Review copies of The Final Straight by Charlotte Howard are now available for interested reviewers. Review copies are available in PDF, epub & mobi.  Please only sign up if you are interested in providing a review. Read the terms below before signing up.

-By signing up, you agree to read and review within 2 weeks of receiving the book.
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-Review copies will be sent on weekly basis.

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Summary from Goodreads:

April Miller works for her best-friend, Max Knight on his livery and competition yard. Their friendship has withstood many turbulent times, and while April is deeply in love with Max, she is also aware of his womanising ways and has refused to succumb to his flirtatious charms. When her ex, AJ, suddenly comes back with a business proposal, April finds herself torn between the two men.

Book Blitz: Fragments of a Unicorn’s Soul by J.R. Loveless (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Unicorn Banner v1

Title:  Fragments of a Unicorn’s Soul

Author: J.R. Loveless

Publisher:  Torquere Press

Cover Artist: Kris Norris

Release Date: 4/6/16

Heat Level: 3

Pairing: Male/Male

Length:  12k words

Genre/Tags: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Urban Fantasy

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Fragments Of A Unicorns Soul Cover


Content with his life, Elek Keros never questions the ways of the Unicorn. Until one night the sense of something coming awakens him from a deep sleep. He breaks Unicorn law by leaving the enchanted glade his kind lives in to search for what is calling to him. Each night he returns home without answers, but he cannot stop entering the forest day after day to find what he seeks.

The answer lies in a small child Elek rescues. Over the years, he watches over the boy, learns all that he can about the human and steadily falls in love with him. But how can the love he feels possibly breach the divide between their two worlds?


Elek let out a pained whinny, tossing his head in denial of Jonathan’s words. The human male would not be coming back. It struck such pain through his heart that Elek did not understand how to cope with it. What could he say to make Jonathan remain by his side? Please don’t go.

Heart wrenching at the distress in Elek’s voice, Jonathan stifled a small sound and rested his forehead against Elek’s neck. “I can’t stay, Elek. It’s not possible.”

Why? Elek demanded.

“Because my feelings for you aren’t rational! You aren’t human, Elek, and… I can’t do this anymore. All I can think of is you, all I dream of is being here with you. It isn’t possible,” Jonathan cried, squeezing his eyes shut. Today would be their last day together. He returned to school tomorrow.

Desperation rose in Elek. A strange burning sensation started behind Elek’s eyes. Salt stung his nostrils and water welled up, spilling down his muzzle.

Jonathan felt wetness drip onto his neck and he pulled back in surprise. His sapphire gaze widened in shock. “Elek!”

I… love you, Jonathan. Elek keened to him, frantically hoping that Jonathan returned his love.

Jonathan shook his head. “No, Elek. No. You can’t. It’s not possible. Please… don’t.”

Elek struggled to his feet, backing away from Jonathan. He’d put his heart in Jonathan’s hands and the human had rejected him. Despite knowing that their love wasn’t possible, Elek couldn’t stop the hurt spearing deep into his soul.

Jonathan gave him a helpless look. “Elek, please don’t go.”

A shrill cry echoed throughout the trees and Elek spun around, racing away from Jonathan, trying to outrun the pain. But it haunted him, nipping at his hooves like dogs at the paws of a fox. The human did not return his love. Elek didn’t stop running until he’d reached the glade. His head hung down almost to the ground in sorrow, and the normally vibrant spiral horn had dulled to a grayish color.


Torquere Press

Unicorn Square v2

Meet the Author

J.R. Loveless is a native Floridian who spends her days in an office physically but mentally is frolicking between the pages of her imagination. Writing has been a lifelong passion that escaped from her in the midst of life until she discovered Yaoi. After following breadcrumbs of the anime style, she discovered a forum dedicated to the world of Yaoi. Inspired, she tried her own hand at M/M romances, spending hours building worlds of her own with the newfound support of other forum members. She can never write enough of the electrifying emotions that blaze across the hearts and souls of her characters.

She is a self-confessed Dr. Who addict with a spastic dog and a neurotic cat for companions on her long journey through the many chapters of her life. One day she hopes to visit far off places and have grand adventures like those of the characters in her stories.

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Rafflecopter Prize: eBook copy of Fragments of a Unicorn

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Available for Review: Torn by E.B. Barrett

Torn - High Resolution

Review copies of Torn by E.B. Barrett are now available for interested reviewers. Review copies are available in PDF, epub & mobi.  Please only sign up if you are interested in providing a review. Read the terms below before signing up.

-By signing up, you agree to read and review within 2 weeks of receiving the book.
-Each review should begin with a disclaimer stating that the book was provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
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-Review copies will be sent on weekly basis.

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Summary from Goodreads:

Fresh from college graduation and his girlfriend’s decision to leave him, James Stevenson spends a summer in Amsterdam coping with unrequited love and the challenge of his identity. Trapped within family and social expectations, he finds himself still in love with Amee and unable to express his desire for the brilliant, compassionate Professor Joshua Thomas. As James works through his past and present, we follow him on an emotional and sexual journey of self-acceptance.


Available for Review: Snowmancer by Olivia Helling

Snowmancer Cover

Review copies of Snowmancer by Olivia Helling are now available for interested reviewers. Review copies are available in PDF, epub & mobi.  Please only sign up if you are interested in providing a review. Read the terms below before signing up.

-By signing up, you agree to read and review within 2 weeks of receiving the book.
-Each review should begin with a disclaimer stating that the book was provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
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-Review copies will be sent on weekly basis.

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Summary from Goodreads:

A partner he could trust. That’s what Prince Heir Ilyas wanted most in the world. Instead, he spent his days alone defending his future throne from his younger brothers and reaping the rewards of their estates. But when he receives his latest conquest, a slave named Jem, he’s abducted to the far reaches of a frozen wasteland to be sacrificed to Jem’s backwater god.

Someone who would see him. The one thing Jem knows he can never have. Instead, Jem walks the world searching for the sacrifice that will save the people who fear and shun him — the beautiful and proud Ilyas. Capturing Ilyas might have been simple, but keeping him safe for his god is another matter.

Trapped in their struggle and tight quarters, they’re both haunted by the whisper in each other of the warmth they dared not dream for. But nothing can stop the Dark God from coming. Nothing short of death. Can one kill the other? Or will they both be destroyed?

Blog Tour – The Art of Hero Worship by Mia Kerick

Art of Hero Worship Tour BannerThe Art of Hero Worship
Mia Kerick
Publication Date: February 14th, 2016
Publisher: Cool Dudes Publishing
Tags: Gay Romance, LGBT, Submissive, Hero, Contemporary, New Adult

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TAOHW 3D BookstackTrembling on the floor, pressed beneath a row of seats in a dark theater, college freshman Jason Tripp listens to the terrifying sound of gunshots, as an unknown shooter moves methodically through the theater, randomly murdering men, women, and children attending a student performance of Hamlet. Junior Liam Norcross drapes his massive body on top of Jason, sheltering the younger man from the deathly hail of bullets, risking his life willingly and maybe even eagerly.

As a result of the shared horror, an extraordinary bond forms between the two young men, which causes discomfort for family and friends, as well as for Jason and Liam, themselves. And added to the challenge of two previously “straight” men falling into a same-sex love, are the complications that arise from the abundance of secrets Liam holds with regard to a past family tragedy. The fledgling passion between the men seems bound to fade away into the darkness from which it emerged.

Jason, however, is inexplicably called to rescue his hero in return, by delving into Liam’s shady past and uncovering the mystery that compels the older man to act as the college town’s selfless savior.

The Art of Hero Worship takes the reader on a voyage from the dark


I wake up crying.

Okay… if I’m going to be real, I’ll admit that I’m sobbing. In these strong arms—no, sprawled on top of the solid chest of a man I hardly know—I sob in a way that I never have before. And hopefully, I’ll never have occasion to cry this bitterly again.

My emotions are practically indescribable, yet I need to apply words to them, in an effort to make some sense of what I’m feeling. The pain is raw, grating, and unbearable… and unfortunately there’s more. I’m guilt-ridden and mortified. Devastation crossed with desperation—this is me, at the moment.

And I’m not sure why I’m still here on earth. I want to disappear.

Liam stays silent, but I know he’s awake because his hands have resumed the rhythmic stroking on my back.
“Why’d you have to go and s-save me? Y-you should have let me d-die like I was supposed to!” I’m furious, which is evident in my trembling accusation. The pain would be over if he’d have let me die. I add mad as hell to my list of indescribable emotions. And highly irrational… I tack this one onto the end of the fast growing list.
He inhales deeply. “We’re gonna survive this. Our bodies survived Friday night in the theater. Now we’ve gotta make our minds survive the aftermath.”

“What makes you think I want to survive it? What makes you so sure I didn’t want to go with her?” It’s too hard to say her name.

Wide palms freeze on my shoulder blades and rest there heavily. “Sorry, dude, but it wasn’t your day to die.” He takes another one of those huge swallows of air that causes both of our bodies to rise and fall. Then the mesmerizing movement of his hands resumes.

Tour Schedule

2/15 – MM Book Escape

2/16 – Bayou Book Junkie

2/17 – Unrandom Randomness

2/18 – The Novel Approach

2/19 – Love Bytes Reviews

2/22 – Cameron James

2/23 – Dirk Greyson

2/24 – 3 Chicks After Dark

2/25 – Joyfully Jay

2/26 – MM Good Book Reviews

Author Bio

Author Bio PictureMia Kerick Adult is an award-winning author of stories involving the type of life events that are riveting to read about, but you probably wouldn’t want to experience first hand. Into her fictional disasters, she sprinkles a sufficient quantity of touching and spicy adult LGBTQ romance to keep her readers coming back for more.
Having relocated from Boston, Massachusetts to rural New Hampshire, Mia lives with her doting husband, four brilliant and accomplished young adult children who will one day likely contribute to the establishment of world peace (Mia believes in self-fulfilling prophecies), and at least three too many cats. She suffers with a severe case of mall-withdrawal, which leads to frequent online shopping and an overly personal relationship with the UPS driver.

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Cover Reveal – Slash Op by J. Johanis

Slash Op BannerSlash Op (Toy Soldier #2)
J. Johanis
Publication Date: February 29th, 2016
Tags: M/M Dark Erotica, M/M Sci-fi

Slash Op 3D largeThe White House has ordered the execution of a highly sensitive covert operation in dragon-occupied territory. Though a Slash Op has a zero percent survival rate, the commanding general is forced to enlist his most prized officer for the task.

Major Gideon is embarking on his first mission in the dragon district. Yet Gideon has hardly recovered from all that Drago made him endure. For the past three months, Gideon has been plagued with dreams of Drago terrorizing him, but his dreams have gradually turned into sexual fantasies. Despite coming to terms with his longing to have Drago in bed, Gideon cannot suppress his desire to beat Drago’s face in. When Gideon is called for a mission in the most dangerous district on Earth, what freaks him out the most is the prospect of seeing Drago again.

Content Advisory: Graphic violence, dragon sex, & non-con.

Pre-Order Links: Amazon  | ARe (50% off Pre-Order Sale)

Author Bio

J. Johanis writes dark erotic m/m and enjoys creating worlds that are myth-based or historical.

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Available for Review: Oleander, Son of Drakkar (Drakkar Coven #2) by Leigh Jarrett

Oleander Cover 1600 x 2400

Review copies of Oleander, Son of Drakkar (Drakkar Coven #2) by Leigh Jarrett are now available for interested reviewers. Review copies are available in PDF, epub & mobi.  Please only sign up if you are interested in providing a review. Read the terms below before signing up.

-By signing up, you agree to read and review within 2 weeks of receiving the book.
-Each review should begin with a disclaimer stating that the book was provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
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-Review copies will be sent on weekly basis.

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Summary from Goodreads:

The unrelenting seduction of Oleander’s cool, flawless skin—and deep, captivating eyes. The concern in his voice—the touch of his hand. The exhilaration and pride elicited by the sight of Oleander waiting for him after the visit with his family had left him feeling disappointed and unfulfilled.

Unfulfilled …pointless, insignificant—until Oleander.

Amidst the chaos of his sexual reckoning, Timothy is compelled to uphold an intimate pact struck between himself and Oleander, and chooses to follow him north to Drakkar Castle—the threat of war upon them. Grimmr Coven is advancing deep into Drakkar Coven territory, and only Oleander may know the reason why. He had lived amongst the coven Grimmr for many decades with his human lover, Torkel and fears that a far greater threat is coming, forcing Grimmr Coven south into Drakkar Coven territory.

Left behind while Oleander goes in search of answers, Timothy’s inner turmoil becomes unbearable. His only company enroute to Drakkar Castle, Alexis, a vivacious, blue-eyed seductress with a secret, intent on stealing him away for reasons that would launch the already fractured family of Drakkar at each other’s throats.


Available for Review: Callum of Drakkar Coven (Drakkar Coven #1) by Leigh Jarrett

Callum Cover 1600 x 2400

Review copies of Callum of Drakkar Coven (Drakkar Coven #1) by Leigh Jarrett are now available for interested reviewers. Review copies are available in PDF, epub & mobi.  Please only sign up if you are interested in providing a review. Read the terms below before signing up.

-By signing up, you agree to read and review within 2 weeks of receiving the book.
-Each review should begin with a disclaimer stating that the book was provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
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Summary from Goodreads:

Come nightfall, the inhabitants of the ancient castle perched high on the mountain above their picturesque valley would awaken, and then no one left outside the village walls would be safe.

The torches set into the thick stone walls of the castle would be lit, the evening bells would toll—then Lord Callum would release his riders, led by his brother Oleander, an alabaster, screeching creature of nightmares; thundering through the night as he collected his victims.

After one of Oleander’s raids unexpectedly breaches the walls of the village, Laramie finds himself face to face with Lord Callum—a dark, majestic beast like none he has ever seen before.

His first glimpse of Lord Callum sets his heart racing, partially out of fear, but mostly out of fascination—and something else, and Callum takes note of that, pleased to have found his next plaything.


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