Blog Tour: A Kind of Honesty by Lane Hayes

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Title:  A Kind of Honesty

Series: A Kind of Story, #3

Author: Lane Hayes

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press

Release Date: October 7, 2016

Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 85K

Genre: Romance, Bisexual, Rock Star, NYC, Humor

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Music is Tim Chalmers’s great escape and the one thing that’s never let him down. But his band Spiral’s meteoric rise to fame has made it difficult for the drummer to maintain a low profile. Unwanted press pesters him after a public breakup with a volatile ex-girlfriend who loves the limelight as much as he loathes it. Tim’s main goal is to avoid confrontation. However, when he meets a handsome stranger in a dive bar who turns out to be someone he may know, everything changes.

Carter Hamilton-Temple might be a successful financial consultant with more brains, sophistication, and charm than most, but he always falls for the wrong guys: closet cases or men with issues. He can’t fight his attraction to the tattooed rock star, but can he trust his own judgment? When the thrill of danger combined with a fierce physical connection proves too strong for either man to resist, a quiet liaison away from the public eye and curious friends seems like a safe bet. But some secrets are hard to keep. When rumors threaten to rock his world, Tim realizes it’s time to confront his fear with his own kind of honesty.


“What kind of a rock star are you? You’re supposed to love sex, drugs, and alcohol. I haven’t known you long, but you seem to only really like one out of three,” Carter commented idly as he shuffled the cards.

“You’re right. I’m a sucky rock star. I rarely have more than one drink when I go out for dinner or even at a bar. Two at a party. Anything more usually leads to trouble. And I never take drugs. Even cold medicine makes me nervous.” I winked and gave him a lecherous grin that no doubt looked far from provocative in my current condition. “But I love sex.”


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Meet the Author

Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions in the 2014 and 2015 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in an almost empty nest.

Books by Lane Hayes (Dreamspinner Press):

Better Than Good, Better Than Chance, Better Than Friends, Better Than Safe, The Right Words, The Wrong Man & The Right Time

The Kind Of Series:

A Kind Of Truth   A Kind Of RomanceA_Kind_of_Honesty_FINAL_V4

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Tour Schedule

10/11     My Fiction Nook

10/11     Dog-Eared Daydreams

10/11     BFD Book Blog

10/13     Diverse Reader

10/13     Gay Book Reviews

10/13     Open Skye Book Reviews

10/18     The Novel Approach

10/18     Divine Magazine

10/18     MM Good Book Reviews

10/20     Joyfully Jay

10/20     Sinfully

10/20     Molly Lolly

10/25     Bayou Book Junkie

10/25     Boy Meets Boy Reviews

10/25     Purple Rose Teahouse

10/27     MM Book Escape

10/27     Prism Book Alliance

10/27     Book Lovers 4Ever


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Book Blitz: Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure by Duane Simolke (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure

Series: Taldra, 2

Author: Duane Simolke

Publisher: Duane Simolke

Release Date: 8/27/2016

Heat Level: 2 – Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Male/Female, Male/Male, Female/Female

Length: 42,498 words

Genre: Romance, Young Adult, Science Fiction

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In an alternate reality, an Iroquois woman and her twin gay sons battle shapeshifting aliens.

Valchondria (Earth) developed a one-world government, consisting of Leader, the Maintainers, and the Supreme Science Council. A millennium ago, the Valchondrians sent two ships of colonists into space. The first ship became radicalized by a violent religious cult. Alien creatures called the Naadloosh attacked the second ship. Valchondria banned contact outside its atmosphere and shut down the space program. Over the centuries, freedom and progress decayed.

Now the Naadloosh have found the human world. Leader and her sons must stop the invasion. Maintainer Admiral Nil blames Leader for a series of tragedies and might pose an even greater threat than the changelings that want to feed on humanity.

One of Leader’s twin sons, Telius, simply wants to marry the man he loves. The other, Argen, struggles with the residual effects of a deadly drug addiction. The young men rally to Leader’s side as she faces humanity’s greatest threats.

Native American storytelling inspired this stand-alone sequel to Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.



Telius stepped through the sliding doors, into their two-story home. The aroma of docle bread wafted through the house and led him into the kitchen. A few white petals remained on the cutting board, but the smell came from the oven, now set on “Warm.” His famished stomach tightened even more, but he hoped his favorite dish signaled an even bigger surprise, one he really couldn’t call a surprise.

Multi-colored artwork in synthetic wood frames covered the bland plastic walls of the front entry way. Telius had insisted on displaying the abstract paintings Argen had created during the early phases of his addiction recovery program, during the time the twins got to know each other.

Telius stepped through a holographic mural of Valchondria and approached the wallscreen room’s long brown couch. Its only occupant used voice commands to channel glide the giant screen he faced. Ebony skin showed through his close-cropped hair. Dark brown eyes lit up from his smile when he turned around.

“You’re finally home!” Jase-Dawn said, jumping up from the couch. He gave his boyfriend one of his big hugs, the ones that meant he wanted to share something, followed by an even bigger kiss. “I expected you in sooner.”

“Forgiveness. After class, I spent some extra time in the undermall. The priests were distributing food packages to as many of the walkway people there as possible, and I wanted to help out.”

Jase-Dawn stepped back a little, leaving his hands on Telius’s shoulders. “You didn’t eat, though, did you?”

Telius laughed. “No, I didn’t eat one of those food packages. I’m hardly a walkway person, living here.” He spun his pointed finger around at the oversized house Taldra’s predecessor had commissioned for her, the house that Telius, Argen, and Jase-Dawn now shared. Taldra had moved to Valcine Plaza a year earlier, after accepting her predecessor’s appointment of her as Leader.

Jase-Dawn’s arm moved up and over like a Maintainer directing crowd control. “Don’t start complaining about how easy we have it here! You’ve saved the world enough for today, or should I say tonight? Not that you should have gone to the undermall after dark anyway. It’s dangerous and full of crime, and you’re—”

“One of Leader’s sons? I won’t start if you don’t.” He grinned a little, then returned to the scent that made his stomach growl. “Who baked docle bread?”


“You?” Telius narrowed his eyes.

Jase rubbed his partner’s shoulders. “I’m learning new things. Argen gave me a video chip of your father’s recipes.”

“That was nice of him. Where is Argen, anyway?”

“Finishing something. He knew we needed some time alone.” Jase-Dawn led Telius to the couch, and they sat close together, arms entangled.

“He had a seizure today, from the confidence pills. He’s fine, though. Forgiveness, I didn’t mean to spoil the moment.”

Jase smiled again. “You didn’t, love. Argen told me all about it, while we were programming the tonal androids to help me teach my music class. Actually, though, I wanted to talk about something else.”

“Like what?”

“Like us. Over the past year, I’ve thought constantly about the day I’ll gain Valchondrian citizenship, and no longer be considered a Degran spy. Now that day is almost here.”

“I kind of remember that, considering you wrote it on the holo-calendar…with sparkle font.” Telius winked, his nose still trying to pull him to the kitchen. But he wondered if Jase-Dawn was about to ask a question that involved one of the benefits of becoming Valchondrian.

“Telius, will you become married with me?”

“I knew it!” Telius said, wide eyed.

Jase scrunched his nose. “That was actually a yes or no question.”

“And you already knew the answer. Of course I’ll become married with you! How many people find the perfect spouse, the person they always want to be with?”

Telius leaned forward and kissed him.


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Sons of Taldra SquareMeet the Author


Duane Simolke wrote the books The Acorn Stories, Degranon, Sons of Taldra, Holding Me Together, and New Readings of Winesburg, Ohio. He co-wrote The Return of Innocence and The Acorn Gathering: Writers Uniting Against Cancer. DuaneSimolke.Com includes writings and links. He lives in Lubbock, Texas.

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Book Blitz: New Orleans Hustle by PJ Nevada (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  New Orleans Hustle

Author: PJ Nevada

Publisher: Torquere Press

Release Date: September 7, 2016

Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Female

Length: 30,000 Words

Genre: Romance, Gay Romance

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Tristan, owner of a popular gay bar in New Orleans, is trying to balance his love life with the daily demands of running a bar. His busy schedule is complicated by interactions with local police, street walkers, and problematic employees. With just a little voodoo influence, and some steamy nights, Tristan’s life will either shatter under the pressure, or finally reveal his true path for love. This romantic tale has just enough heat to keep you wanting more.


Antoine and Nolan kept Tristan up to date with daily reports on Gabriel, basically sharing their approval and satisfaction on how things were working out.  Tristan was pleased.  Another week passed and the bar was closing one  weeknight at 2:00 a.m.  Nolan was finishing up at the bar and Tristan was doing some day’s end paperwork, when Gabriel walked over to Tristan.

“Yes, Gabriel?” Tristan asked when the young man approached him.  Tristan looked up to find a few tears hanging in the corner of Gabriel’s eyes.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just want to thank you, that’s all, for giving me this chance.  I hope the guys are telling you that I’ve been working hard and that I have been clean since we first talked.  You can have my blood tested any time you want.  I am so done with cocaine!”

“I’m glad to hear that Gabriel.  And yes, Nolan has been keeping me up to date.  I must say that I am quite pleased.  I hope we can help you get back on your feet.  Keep it up and maybe we can bring you out front to bus the tables, then at least you can get a small share of the tip money,” Tristan stated.

Suddenly, Gabriel leaned over and planted a grateful kiss on Tristan’s cheek, surprising him.  Gabriel quickly turned and walked behind the bar and stood next to Nolan.  He repeated the same remarks to Nolan, again followed by a quick kiss, but also placed his open palm squarely on Nolan’s ass, giving it a slow and gentle rub from one cheek to the other.

Although Nolan showed the shock of the ass caress, from Tristan’s vantage, it appeared that Nolan was simply reacting to the surprise kiss from Gabriel.  As the three continued to finish up for the night, it was Tristan who first announced that he was done and heading home.

“Almost done here,” Nolan responded.  You get going Tris, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thanks guys.  See you tomorrow.  Great job,” Tristan hollered as he left, locking the door behind him.  The bar remained quiet as Nolan kept busy locking up the last few items for the night.  Gabriel remained quiet while wiping down the rest of the tables.

“Nolan, I really mean it.  I know you went to bat for me and I can’t thank you enough.”

“Its fine, Gabriel.  Just keep up the good work, that’s all we ask of you,” Nolan said in response.

“You should see how I fixed up my room.  I found some old curtain rods and some old material in the kitchen and made some new curtains.  It now feels a bit homier.”

Nolan, clearly impressed.  “Curtains, wow.”

“I’m done here Nolan, can I go upstairs now?”

“Sure, that’s fine, Gabriel.”

As Gabriel turned to leave, he stopped briefly.  “Nolan, you are welcome to see how I fixed things up, if you’d like.”

“Thanks, maybe next time.  It’s kind of late, but thanks Gabriel,” Nolan replied.

Gabriel turned and left, leaving Nolan to finish his remaining duties.  It wasn’t fifteen minutes before Nolan finished and shut the rest of the lights, leaving on only the emergency and exit lights.  He walked to the back door and passed the stairs leading up to Gabriel’s room.  He let his hands drag along the old wood-paneled walls, thinking how happy and grateful he also was to Tristan, who first took him in on his out-of-town arrival and helped him get on his feet.  He called up the stairs.  “Good night, Gabriel.”  But there was no answer.

Nolan called up again, and again received no response.  Not sure why it was quiet and getting a bit concerned, he began to walk up the narrow flight of stairs towards Gabriel’s room.  Once at the door, Nolan knocked.

“Gabriel, are you okay?”

Gabriel quickly came to the door and opened it.  The music of a small radio was playing inside.  Nolan was surprised to see a shirtless Gabriel, wearing only a pair of white briefs.

“Oh, sorry, Gabe.  I didn’t mean to barge in.  I called good night but didn’t get an answer.”

“Nolan, I am so sorry.  I guess it was the music.  I should have turned it down.  Sorry.”

“Don’t be silly.  You’re certainly allowed to have a radio in here.  I’m glad you do, for what it’s worth.” Nolan stated, trying hard not to stare at Gabriel’s trim but sinewy, hard torso.  Most of the bruises were either gone or barely visible.  With a clean bed and three regular meals, Gabriel was looking much fitter.  And buffer than before, Nolan observed.

“Please come in and at least look at my new curtains.  It may sound silly, but I’m kind of proud of them.  I haven’t made much in my life, so this is a big deal for me,” Gabriel admitted, grabbing Nolan by the elbow and pulling him around his bed towards the curtained window.

The two stood quietly, side by side, facing the window.  The sexual tension in the room began to rise slowly.

“You did a good job, Gabe.”

“Nolan, you called me Gabe, again.”

“Oh, sorry,” Nolan responded, suddenly nervous.

“No, please, I like that.  I feel like someone knows me,” Gabriel volunteered, squeezing Nolan’s elbow tighter.  “I owe you my life, you know that, don’t you Nolan.”

“Nah,” answered a suddenly nervous Nolan.  “We’ve all gone through a hell of some sort, coming to grips with our lives.  It’s never easy, so why can’t we just pass along the kindness.”

“This was more than a simple kindness, Nolan.  This was going out of your way and putting your own neck on the line.  You and Antoine are my saviors.  I feel that you pushed even harder, though.  My life is yours,” Gabriel repeated quietly.  “And my body is yours,” Gabriel added after a few moments of hesitation.


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Meet the Author

P.J. Nevada, a retired attorney has been a long time writer. New to the world of online publishing, he is happy to join the revolution. While happy to have found acclaim and some initial success, P.J. has always found quality erotica to be lacking and wants to share his fantasies and stories, to enhance this genre, especially in the m/m world. After all, love is love.


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Book Blitz: Fragmented by Madeline Dyer (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Fragmented

Series: Untamed Series, #2

Author: Madeline Dyer

Publisher: Prizm Books

Release Date: September 7, 2016

Heat Level: 2 – Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Male/Female

Length: 99,000 Words

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense, Paranormal, Post-apocalyptic

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After the terrible battle against the Enhanced Ones, Seven and Corin find themselves on the run. With the Enhanced closing in, Seven knows they need to find other people on their side. So, when the opportunity arises to join the Zharat, one of the last surviving Untamed tribes, it seems like the perfect solution.

But the Zharat lifestyle is a far cry from what Seven’s used to. With their customs dictating that she must marry into their tribe, and her relationship with Corin breaking down, Seven knows she has to do something before it’s too late. But that’s easier said than done in a tribe where going against the rules automatically results in death.

And, with the Enhanced still out there, nowhere is truly safe for the Untamed–least of all for the most powerful Seer in the world… and Seven soon discovers how far people will go in order to ensure that she’s on their side in the War of Humanity.

Battling against the emerging web of lies, manipulation, and danger, Seven must remember who she was meant to be. Her life has never been more at stake. Nor has humanity itself.


The engine stutters. But it’s just a one-off thing, and then we’re accelerating again. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Corin shifts his weight a little, keeps his arm around me. I lean into him, but I’m too tense, can’t relax. I drum my fingers against my thigh.

Then it happens again: the engine stutters, five or ten minutes later. It lasts for longer this time, and I feel the momentum of the lorry slipping away.

Manning pulls down the radio chord again, speaks into the little box. “Albran, what’s going on? Why are we—“

The lorry hurtles to a stop, jolts to the left.

I scream, whack my head against something hard, see dark spots amid whiteness.

“Sev!” Corin’s by my side, falling, but grabbing me. His fingers close around my arm, yank me up somehow.

I whirl around, choking, arms spread out, grabbing the wall. Boxes slide across the floor, throw up dust. Someone shrieks.


The sounds of glass shattering fills my ears.

“Albran—what’s going on?”

“They’re…. the windows… they’re getting in…”

There’s a pause, a long pause. And then a scream. A male scream.

Chills run down my spine. I look up, see purple swirls through the gaps in the wagon roof.

“Run for it! Only chance…” Albran’s panting. Then we hear scraping noises. And another scream.

“Albran? Yanugh?” Manning grips the radio so tightly his knuckles go white. He’s breathing hard, something drips from his braids. Dark red. Blood?

“Get out now… in the cab, going to get in the—”

The radio cuts off, hissing.

Manning springs up, heads toward the door. No one says anything as he slides the bolt back. My heart hammers against my ribs. I feel sick.

Manning throws the door the rest of the way open.

The sky outside is deep purple, with smaller pockets of mauve. It’s different to what I’ve ever seen. The purple’s stronger. It shouldn’t be that purple—should it? I don’t know. I’ve never actually seen the middle of the Turning—if this is what one is…

But then I see the other colors. Blues, navies, reds.

I gulp.

Something moves in the sky. A dark mass, and it howls, flies toward us. A spirit. And suddenly there are so many. My mouth dries, and I’m trying to move backward, trying to move away, as far away as possible. But Corin’s in the way, and he’s not moving. He’s just a solid mass, like stone and—

A spirit dives down, toward us. I scream, and the men are shouting. And—

And the spirit flies into the lorry.

I jerk up, arms and legs barely working. I crash into the side, with Corin. Then he leans forward, grabs Esther, wrenches her to us.

The spirit hovers in the middle of the wagon. It is grotesque. Too many eyes. Semi-translucent. Lots of tendrils.

We’re all pressed against the walls. Mart whimpers.

And the spirit looks at us all, each in turn.

My heart’s too fast and my hands are clammy. I’m shaking, trying not to look at it, trying not to make contact with its many eyes, trying not to accidentally challenge it. I turn my head, see Manning still in the doorway. The light is strange; he’s silhouetted, yet he shouldn’t be.

Corin’s hand suddenly closes around mine. He’s shaking.

Everyone’s shaking.

The spirit dives forward, screaming.

It crashes into the man next to Jed. And—

Too much stuff happens at once. I can’t make it out. I hear the screams, the crying. I see the man fall. I see the spirit leap onto his body, but I can’t make its form out now. It’s all just a mass of movement.

I see the man’s foot kick out. And then—then his foot’s gone. Just gone.

My chest tightens. My forehead burns.

“Run!” Manning screams.

Corin’s hand in mine jerks, and then he’s turning, turning toward Manning. I try to follow, but my legs won’t work properly. And I can’t move my head, can’t look away from the spirit eating the man.

My eyes widen.

This isn’t just feeding. This isn’t what happened when some spirits fed from us before to get enough energy to help us in the battle against the Enhanced—no.

This is—this is destruction.

This is bad.

This is carnivorous.

This is evil.

“Just run!” the chief shouts. “We’ve a chance if we’re quick! The Turning’s only just begun. We’ve got to run for it. Now.”


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Meet the Author


Madeline Dyer lives in the southwest of England, and has a strong love for anything dystopian, ghostly, or paranormal. She can frequently be found exploring wild places, and at least one notebook is known to follow her wherever she goes. Fragmented (Prizm Books, Sept. 2016) is her second novel.

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Release Blitz: Settling the Score by Eden Winters (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Settling the Score

Author: Eden Winters

Publisher:  Rocky Ridge Books

Release Date: 10/6/2016

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 86,000 words

Genre: Romance, Humor, Age Difference, Movie Star, Author, Small Town, Mechanic, Getting Even

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Outed and dumped on national television by his rising star boyfriend, Joey Nichols must face the bigotry of the locals in his small Southern town alone. His dreams of a happy ever after lie crushed at his feet.

Novelist Troy Steele has an axe to grind against Hollywood heartbreaker types. Transforming Joey into a gorgeous, unobtainable hunk would be payback worthy of Troy’s poison pen. It’s a brilliant way to get back at Joey’s image-obsessed ex-boyfriend and the movie producer who’s mutilating Troy’s novels.

What begins as simple revenge may tangle them together in something far more complicated. Living well may be the best revenge, but Troy and Joey could rewrite that to loving well.


The Nichols’ dining room table could easily seat six people if it weren’t covered with business records, homework, and car parts. Instead of clearing it off, the family assembled in the living room, parents on the couch, Joey and his sisters on the floor. Overloaded plates balanced on each lap.

“Hush, it’s starting,” Joey’s mom warned, mostly to thirteen-year-old Stacey.

“Oops! Gotta go!” Stacey disconnected her call and dropped her phone onto the floor.

Joey and Jackie were quiet already, Joey afraid he’d miss something important if he so much as blinked.

Ten years separated him and his twin from Stacey. Mom often joked that it had taken her that long to forget the horrors of giving birth enough to try again.

Dad blamed his cousin’s homebrew.

“Good evening, I’m Evelyn Hugh. Welcome to Hollywood Seen. Tonight’s hottie, err, I mean, hot story”—the show’s hostess began, grin unapologetic—“is a young man who’s got all of Hollywood talking. Riker Sanderson has what it takes to survive in this town: looks, talent, and a legion of screaming fans.”

On cue, the camera focused on the audience, where the legion, mostly young and female, chanted, “Riker! Riker!”

“Sorry to disappoint you girls. Rumor has it that Mr. Sanderson is taken.” Evelyn pouted for the camera. “Or is he? Joining me tonight is none other than Riker Sanderson, star of the action thriller, Something to Die For.”

Taken? Joey swallowed hard. Surely she couldn’t mean…

The camera zoomed out, showing the beautiful man who’d stolen his heart and who’d shared his apartment up until a few months ago. Riker, more muscled thanks to a heavy training routine for the movie, sported gold highlights in his now much shorter hair. He looked downright sinful in tight-fitting T-shirt and jeans.

Joey idly toyed with the silver band on his middle finger, a nervous habit, before noticing its mate missing from Riker’s hand. Maybe he’d taken it off for the movie. It didn’t mean anything. No, nothing at all.

All worries disappeared when Riker slowly raised a simmering gaze to the camera. Something clenched deep in Joey’s insides. Those dark eyes hypnotized him, even if they were on a TV screen and not actually in the room. Bedroom eyes intense enough to cause instant paralysis. How many times had Joey lost himself in them, lying in a sweaty, satisfied tangle with Riker?

“Thank you for joining us,” the bleached-blonde hostess gushed, a woman Big Joe said gave him gout.

“Why does she do that to her hair?” Mom asked. “She’s ruined it.” She added the tried and true statement guaranteed to grant forgiveness for any unkindness spoken by a Southerner: “Bless her heart.”

With her whiney voice and constant fawning, Evelyn Hugh reminded Joey of one of the teenaged fans. “I can call you Riker, can’t I?”

“Sure, if I can call you Evelyn.” Her ordinary name sounded exotic when spoken in Riker’s deep tones. That was his gift. He could make anyone feel like the most important person on the planet just by talking to them. Joey had warmed himself by Riker’s fire on many a cold winter’s night.

“I loved you in the romantic comedy, Trying the Knot, filmed in your home state of Georgia. Although only a minor supporting role, your portrayal of the obnoxious cousin at the wedding turned out to be a real scene-stealer and resulted in your big break, didn’t it?”

Riker hadn’t really wanted the cousin role that required him to wear a fat suit and play a backwoods redneck, even if he’d had to beat out a lot of other hopefuls for the part.

“Well, Evelyn,”—Riker turned puppy dog eyes on the hostess—“I’d originally auditioned for the role of Chuck.”

“The pain-in-the-ass playboy who seduced several bridesmaids? Oh, you’re too sweet to play such a cad.”

“You’re too kind.”

A better-known actor had won the honors of playing asshole Chuck. Riker had stormed around the apartment for days.

Riker smiled like he’d hit the jackpot by missing the role. “Actually, I found the cousin part more intriguing. I mean, it stretched my acting skills to play someone so unlike myself.”

“Oh, please, I’m trying to eat here,” Jackie spat.

Joey flashed her a quick evil eye and went back to watching TV.

What a tantrum Riker had thrown about “playing a hick nobody.” In the end he took the money, and assurances from his agent of appearing with a few big stars being a good career move and a way to get noticed.

But he’d done the part enough justice to bring Hollywood knocking.

“What an amazing experience,” the man of Joey’s dreams replied, though that’s not what he’d called it to friends. “It really helped me grow as an actor.” He’d privately referred to the part as beneath someone of his talent and his own personal hell.

“What’s it like working with powerhouse actress Clair Clancy?”

Joey lost the battle to keep a straight face. He’d gotten more earfuls about “Clair, the air-headed bitch.” She’d only spoken to Riker twice during filming when their roles overlapped.

Onscreen, Riker described her as, “An amazing actress. A true professional.” He waved at the camera. “Congrats on the birth of your little girl, Clair. You’ll be an amazing mother.” This from the man who’d wanted to pass a law making it illegal for the woman to breed. Wow, what a good actor. For a moment even Joey believed him.

“In a real-life Cinderella story, a relatively unknown actor is chosen for the lead role of Mitchell Keller in the biggest film of the year. How’s that working out for you?” Evelyn leaned her head on Riker’s shoulder, eyeing him through batting lashes. How dare she? She needed to back off.

A punch to the shoulder brought Joey back to reality, breathing hard and fingernails digging into the palms of his clenched fists.

“She does that with everybody,” Jackie murmured. “What’s your problem, anyway?”

Joey took a deep breath and let it out slowly, a flush creeping up his cheeks.

After what could have been two years, or more probably, two seconds, Riker answered, “It’s really amazing.”

“Doesn’t he know any adjectives besides amazing?” Stacey cut in. “I mean, really! He’s an actor, he’s supposed to be good with words.” Oops, the last holdout in the family swayed to the “We don’t like Riker” side.

Joey ignored her. He’d show them. Soon he’d be living the good life, basking in the California sun. He and Riker had even talked about getting married.

“…and my producer, Ian Hagan, is amazing,” Riker was saying.

Stacey made an “I told you so” face.

Their mother swatted her arm, nipping in the bud whatever sarcastic remark she’d been about to sling.

Riker plowed on. “He took a huge chance in hiring an unknown for such a major role, and I’m grateful he believes in me. I’ve done everything I can to make sure he doesn’t regret taking a risk. We’ve wrapped up the final scenes. Now it’s in post-production, where they’ll add the Hollywood magic.”

What? Riker said a few hours ago that they were still shooting. Well, maybe they had to reshoot some parts.

“Oh, that’s fabulous.” Evelyn’s fake smile lost its battle to look sincere.

Joey knew how she felt. The standing local rule: Never mention acting around Riker unless you had a least an hour and didn’t mind listening. Folks in town phrased their words very carefully.

“Now, Riker, I know you’ve heard the rumors and seen the pictures posted on the Internet of yourself with someone who is apparently very close to you.”

Joey’s heart pounded and his ears rang. Rumors? Pictures? He peeped over at Jackie, who sat up straighter and put her plate down on the floor.

The smile fled Riker’s face, and he wore the same pleading expression he’d used to get out of cooking. “Yes, I have. For the record, I’d like to state that my personal life isn’t anyone else’s business.”

Oh, shit! What had they found out?

“Breathe, Joey,” Jackie urged.

No matter how he tried, Joey couldn’t, because Evelyn dropped a bomb. “Are you gay?”

Oh, my God! They’d been careful since Riker signed the movie deal. How had anyone suspected? Sure, in a few months maybe, when they were ready. Not now!

Jackie stiffened and Joey held his breath.

“Yes, Evelyn, I am.” Riker sighed, his anguished eyes filling with tears. Joey had never seen anyone who could cry on demand quite so convincingly, not even Stacey. “I’m not ashamed of being a gay American, and I don’t see how my orientation has any bearing on my acting ability.”

“I knew it!” Stacey shrieked. Jackie shushed her. Joey ignored her again.

Evelyn scented blood and went for the throat—her trademark. “The man shown with you in the pictures, is he your boyfriend?”

Man in the pictures? Boyfriend? Surely it couldn’t be… Who the hell were they talking about? If it wouldn’t have given too much away, Joey would have made a mad dash to his parent’s aging computer to find out. Evelyn Hugh moved much too slowly. Stomach too queasy to eat, Joey plopped his uneaten meal down on the coffee table.

Riker sat quietly gazing into the camera and Joey almost heard the wheels turning under that mop of highlighted hair. Finally, his lover became his ex-lover with the casually spoken, “I guess you could say we were in a relationship at the time. Nothing serious. We’ve decided to cool things down while I focus on my career.”

What!? Nothing really serious?! Joey gaped at the screen, a flash fire creeping up his cheeks all the way to his ears. Did Riker mean him? A boulder formed in his throat.

They’d talked about forever. He gasped for breath, unable to turn away from the train wreck of his life unfolding on national television.

“Yes, it’s true.” Riker used the same sorrowful tone the hick cousin had during a big scene in Trying the Knot. “I mean, he’s back home, I’m here. It wouldn’t work out.”

Jackie might have snapped, “Oh, cry me a river!” Joey was too caught up in his own personal drama to know for sure.

He knows I’m watching! He knows I’m seeing this! Why is he coming out now? Why couldn’t he tell the nosy woman it’s none of her damned business?

Riker focused directly on the camera, as if seeking Joey out. “Yeah, we kind of grew out of each other. It’s time to move on.”

“I certainly appreciate your candor, and I’m sure there’s plenty of people around town willing to keep you company.” Evelyn sat up, patting at her hair. “We all look forward to your upcoming movie. It’s sure to be a blockbuster. Thank you for joining us.”

Joey dared not dart out of the room like he wanted to and give too much away. At the moment the family only knew that he’d had a gay roommate. Should he act surprised?

The camera left Riker and zoomed in on the hostess. Joey saw her through a glaze of tears and fears. “Remember that you heard it first on Hollywood Seen.” Her goofy grin dimmed a few watts. “Now, here’s another Hollywood Seen exclusive, the photographs that started it all. Last month they began circling the Internet. Until tonight, spokesmen for Mr. Sanderson firmly denied their authenticity. A pity, really. They made such a handsome couple, don’t you agree?”

Joey’s reality crumbled, replaced by a nightmare. The TV screen filled completely with an image of Riker and himself dancing at the club in Atlanta, Riker’s leg wedged between Joey’s, Joey’s mouth locked to his lover’s neck and his crotch pressed against Riker’s denim-covered thigh.

Oh dear God! He looked like a humping vampire!

The image lasted forever. Enough already, take it down! He’d been stripped naked. Laid bare, all his deepest, darkest secrets exposed.

Calm down, no one can tell it’s you. Maybe they’ll think it’s someone out in Hollywood. That hope dashed to pieces with another picture, probably taken shortly after the first. In it, Joey and Riker both faced the camera. The hostess delivered the killing blow. “Our sources tell us that the man in the picture with Riker Sanderson is Joseph Nichols, Jr., with whom Riker lived in Georgia before moving to California.”

Joey fumbled his cell phone out of his pocket and barely managed to hit the right number. Instead of one of the ever-changing heavy-metal ringtones Riker used, a recorded message stated flatly, “The number you have dialed has been disconnected…”


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Settling the Score SquareMeet the Author

Author AvatarYou will know Eden Winters by her distinctive white plumage and exuberant cry of “Hey, y’all!” in a Southern US drawl so thick it renders even the simplest of words unrecognizable. Watch out, she hugs!

Driven by insatiable curiosity, she possibly holds the world’s record for curriculum changes to the point that she’s never quite earned a degree but is a force to be reckoned with at Trivial Pursuit.

She’s trudged down hallways with police detectives, learned to disarm knife-wielding bad guys, and witnessed the correct way to blow doors off buildings. Her e-mail contains various snippets of forensic wisdom, such as “What would a dead body left in a Mexican drug tunnel look like after six months?” In the process of her adventures she has written sixteen m/m romance novels, has won several Rainbow Awards, was a Lambda Awards Finalist, and lives in terror of authorities showing up at her door to question her Internet searches.

When not putting characters in dangerous situations she’s a mild-mannered business executive, mother, grandmother, vegetarian, and PFLAG activist.

Her natural habitats are airports, coffee shops, and on the backs of motorcycles.

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One lucky winner will win an ebook copy of Settling the Score and an ebook copy of Diversion.

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Book Blitz: Blood Bathory: Be Not Proud by Ari McKay (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Blood Bathory: Be Not Proud

Series: Blood Bathory #3

Author: Ari McKay

Publisher: Torquere Press

Release Date: August 30, 2016

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 101000 words

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Vampires, Werewolves

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The exciting conclusion of the war between Elizabeth Bathory and Gaia’s Children has arrived!

It has been five centuries since Antonio de Barajas, one of the oldest surviving Theriomorphs, lost his mate Raphael at the hands of his worst enemy, and Thrace has mocked his pain; but at long last, he has a chance to find love again. As two ardent suitors vie to win his heart, Gaia’s Children face the united force of Elizabeth Bathory and her sire, Thrace.

Thrace will stop at nothing to get revenge against Gaia and her children for the loss of his wife, even allying himself with terrorists who possess a weapon of mass destruction. Now the Theriomorphs and the Dark Guardians must race against time to discover Thrace’s plan and stop him before he succeeds. Antonio risks losing far more than his heart this time, for if he and his team fail in their mission, it will mean the deaths of millions of people and perhaps the destruction of Gaia herself.


Beneath the full, blood-red moon cresting over the roof of the ramshackle farmhouse, a patch of mist drifted along the ground. Had anyone been paying attention, they might have noticed it moved with purpose towards the barn, but the two guards standing watch outside the house were more interested in what was going in inside, and mist was hardly an unusual phenomenon.

The mist seeped into the barn while the guards stood on the porch and listened, fangs gleaming in the moonlight as they grinned at the sound of screams. They had chosen their hiding place well. The little farm was tucked away in a remote part of Lippe and surrounded by woodlands. The chances of someone accidentally stumbling across the location were slim, but if they did, the chances of them being seen again alive were even slimmer.

The mist emerged from the barn, hanging low as it moved toward the house. Absorbed in his enjoyment of the sounds of suffering, the guard on the right never sensed the form materializing behind him, and he met the true death without ever feeling the knife that separated his head from his shoulders in utter silence.

The second guard heard the thud of his companion’s head landing on the splintered boards, but in the split second it took him to identify the sound, his own fate was sealed. The dark killer dissolved into mist once more, then slipped through a small crack where the weathered wood of the door left a gap in its frame.

The inside of the farmhouse was in no better condition than the outside, the only light coming from a fire burning low in a soot-blackened hearth. Yet the tang of wood-smoke was overpowered by two more powerful scents: blood and fear. A young man and a young woman were being bounced like playthings around a circle of eight nosferatu. One of the Blood Cursed held its victim in a vice-like grip, its head swooping down as it sank sharp fangs into its victim’s throat or shoulder, sometimes tearing away chunks of flesh. Then it thrust its victim at another tormenter, who fed as the onlookers laughed and jeered, drunk on the fear of their victims.

Lost in their sadistic blood sport, the nosferatu never noticed the arrival of something far more lethal than they. The firelight caught the coalescing mist as it grew denser, darkening and elongating into a human form. The figure moved before it was completely solid, wickedly curved knives of gleaming steel in its hands.

The head of the first nosferatu landed in the middle of the circle. Caught by surprise, the Blood Cursed gaped at the sight, seeing it without understanding what had happened. But the figure never hesitated as it continued the slaughter, intent on its lethal purpose.

Before the body of the first nosferatu crumpled to the ground, a second head flew. One of the vampires finally recovered from its shocked paralysis and turned in the direction of the attacker. But for all the vampire’s preternatural speed, the attacker was faster, a blur of dark motion no human eye could have hoped to capture, and the vampire’s shout became a gurgle as razor-sharp metal slid across its neck, opening a gaping wound from ear to ear.

The next vampire in the circle suffered the same fate, then another head bounced to the floor. In the space of a few seconds, the nosferatu were dead, and only the two whimpering, trembling humans remained.

The tall, black-clad figure pulled out a cloth and cleaned his knives with meticulous care before sheathing one of them, and then he used the other to cut strips of cloth from the nearest vampire’s clothes. He bound the humans’ wounds as best he could with a surprisingly gentle touch for one who dealt death so easily.

“Can you walk?” he asked in oddly accented German.

The young man slid his arm around his companion, supporting her, and nodded.

“Follow the road. Someone will be sent to find you.”

“Thank you.” The young woman’s voice was weak, but she rallied her strength admirably.

The man caught and held their gazes, and when he spoke again, his voice was low and mesmerizing. “It was an animal attack. You never saw a house or any people.”

Both young people nodded, their eyes glazed. “An animal attack,” the young man murmured.

“Good. Now go and keep to the path.” The man steered them toward the door, pausing to watch as they made their way out of the house. He kept a close eye on them until they were out of sight, and then he went back inside.

He sheathed his other knife and began rifling through the vampires’ clothes, checking their wallets and taking the cash. He stuffed the bills into his pockets, then searched for weapons and ammunition that might be useful. He ended up needing a bag to carry his pilfered treasures; fortunately, he found a backpack tossed in the corner. There was blood on it, but dried, not fresh. Likely it had belonged to a previous victim.

He hefted the heavy pack on his shoulder and left the house. Once outside, he considered torching the place. There might be others who knew of it, and burning it would give them one less place to hide. He went back to the barn to retrieve one of the cans of gasoline he’d seen stored in there, and it wasn’t long before he was watching the vampires’ nest burn.

Well done, my son. I will see to it that the blaze does not spread.

Gaia’s voice flowed through him, filling him with warmth, although his somber expression didn’t change. With their sire gone, Tepes’ children were dwindling in number already; he was happy to hurry their extinction along.

Tepes’ line has lingered this long. It will linger a while longer out of necessity, Gaia continued. We have a much greater problem facing us. Thrace has emerged from hiding, and your kin need your help to vanquish him once and for all. It is time for you to return home at last.


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Be Not Proud SquareMeet the Author

Ari McKay is the professional pseudonym for Arionrhod and McKay, who collaborate on original m/m fiction. They began writing together in 2004 and finished their first original full length novel in 2011. Recently, they’ve begun collaborating on designing and creating costumes to wear and compete in at Sci Fi conventions, and they share a love of yarn and cake.

Arionrhod is an avid costumer, knitter, and all-around craft fiend, as well as a professional systems engineer. Mother of two human children and two dachshunds who think they are human, she is a voracious reader with wildly eclectic tastes, devouring romance novels, military science fiction, horror stories and Shakespeare with equal glee. She is currently preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

McKay is an English teacher who has been writing for one reason or another most of her life. She also enjoys knitting, reading, cooking, and playing video games. She has been known to knit in public. Given she has the survival skills of a gnat, she’s relying on Arionrhod to help her survive the zombie apocalypse.

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Review: Pictures of You by Leta Blake

Book CoverTitle:  Pictures of You

Series Title and Number: ‘90s Coming of Age, #1

Publisher:  Leta Blake Books

Release Date:  9/19/2016

Genre:  Gay New Adult, Coming of Age, with Romantic themes

Tags:  new adult, coming of age, 1990s,

Heat Level: 3.5 – 4

Pairing: m/m

Length: 100,000 words

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

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Growing up gay isn’t easy. Growing up gay in Knoxville, Tennessee is even harder.

Eighteen-year-old Peter Mandel, a private school senior—class of 1990—is passionate about photography. Peter doesn’t have many friends preferring to shoot pictures from behind the scenes to keep his homosexuality secret.

Enter Adam Algedi, a charming, worldly new guy who doesn’t do labels, but does want to do Peter. Hardly able to believe gorgeous Adam would want geeky, skinny him of all people, Peter’s swept away on a journey of first love and sexual discovery. But as their mutual web of lies spins tighter and tighter, can Peter find the confidence he needs to make the right choices?

Join Peter, in the first of a four-part coming of age series, on his search to love and be loved, and, most of all, how to grow into a gay man worthy of his own respect.


I have a few authors where I don’t even read the blurbs. Someone says “Hey, do you want an ARC from *insert author name* and I say “Yes” and off I go. This author is on that list. So…….Alisa didn’t read the blurb or the note at the bottom of it and went into this expecting a sweet ya love story. Alisa ended up reading way into the middle of the night while grasping a bottle of wine, a box of kleenex and alternating between having teary eyes and screaming death threats at a fictional character. (You know….as all sane people do).

The Feelz in this. OMG…..the feelz. As the blurb says (now that I’ve read it) Peter is an 18 year old going into his last year of high school. He was bullied at his previous school so he’s transferring into a private school where he meets Adam, who is also a new transfer. The two boys become friends and then more. While Peter knows he is gay he is not “out”. His parents don’t know and he doesn’t actually have any friends to tell. He lives in the South and does not feel very safe in regards to coming out about his sexuality. Adam on the other hand is Peter’s opposite. He’s traveled the world and he knows he is bisexual and he has had experience with both girls and boys. Despite having more experience Adam is not really comfortable with his feelings towards males. He also has far more fear about the community they live in than Peter does.

This part of the story covers their last year of high school and all the feelings that go with it. The story is told from Peter’s pov and he learns a lot about love and sex and embracing who you are. Unfortunately he also learns a lot about lies, and secrets, and shame, and losing respect for yourself.

My emotions were wrung out in this. So many times I wanted to shake both of these boys. I would get so frustrated with Peter for letting Adam do the things he did but I remember high school and I remember fumbling through those first relationships. I remember the hard lessons most of us have to learn along the way. Adam was really hard for me. I was just as smitten with him at the beginning of the book as Peter was. As the story goes on I became more and more angry with him. I get he’s a teenager and teenagers are by nature often very selfish but it doesn’t make it any easier to read. By the end of the book I was raging with anger at him. It will be a hard sell for the author to redeem him for me (not even sure that’s where this story is going but I’m drinking coffee out of my Adrien English coffee mug as I write this cuz…..flashbacks)

The end of the story brings us to the end of high school with college on the horizon. Peter’s taking a hard look at himself and thinking about the choices he has to make next. I’m kind of worried since I believe there are 3 more books in the series. Seems like it’s going to be a hella long, emotional road to the hea. *adds “more wine” to the grocery list*

I wasn’t sure at first how I was going to rate this. The writing and storytelling were just great but I was so upset with the events that happened that when I finished this last night I was not a happy reader. After giving it lot’s of thought though, I realized that the fact that I am so wrecked speaks to the fabulous storytelling that took place here. So…..go buy some alcohol, build a little concrete wall around your heart, practice all your swear words and go get this.

Reviewed by Alisa




Book Blitz: Choices by Stevie Woords (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Choices

Author: Stevie Woods

Publisher: Torquere Press

Release Date: September 31, 2016

Heat Level: 5 – Erotica

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 15,600 Words

Genre: Romance, Contemporary Romance, Erotic-Romance, Gay Romance

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Best friends since kindergarten, Ben and James are separated after college graduation by their different choices. Ben stays in their small hometown while James heads off to New York with dreams of money and success. Ben works to make his life follow the path he wants, and dreams of the day when James realizes he made a mistake and comes back home.

Each man promises to stay in touch, but this falls by the wayside as James’ life in the big city takes off, leaving Ben yearning for a dream that gradually fades as the years pass.

In New York, James finds that not all dreams are worth the cost of a wrong choice.

(Previously published by Amber Quill Press.)


When Ben had written to tell James of his success and pleasure in his new work, James had responded positively, but still wondered why Ben “didn’t really give it a go and study architecture” before going on to tell Ben about the lovely new end table he’d bought for his apartment.

“He still after you to take that architecture course?”

Ben jerked in surprise. He hadn’t heard Suzie come in, but shouldn’t have been surprised at her reading over his shoulder. Suzie was still very much a handful as always. It was no wonder he loved her so much.

“Don’t you know how rude that is?” He ought to try to teach her some manners.

“You should take it to your room if it’s private,” she said, grabbing some orange juice from the fridge. “Anyhow, did he?”

Ben sighed. “Yeah. He’s doing so well, he thinks I’m missing out.”

“Each to his own. You know how much I think of James, but he sure is blinkered about you.”

Ben glanced at his sister, wondering if he was just being too sensitive or if she really had guessed how he felt about James. He’d been thinking of telling his parents the truth about his leanings, but hadn’t managed it yet. It was with a sense of relief he heard Suzie add, “Thinks everyone wants to be just like him.”

“Go on; get busy with your homework.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, but left the kitchen, and after he heard her thump her way upstairs, Ben re-read the letter.

It went on that way for some time, and Ben allowed James to dominate their correspondence with news of his work and home life, the new friends he’d made and his varied social life. Gradually, however, James’ letters became less frequent, sliding to one every fortnight and then monthly, until finally they were sporadic and Ben received the last one from him about twenty months after James had left.

For about six months after that Ben continued to write about once a month with news of his family and information about Ben’s own version of success, but he finally accepted defeat when James never responded to any of them. Not even the last one where Ben had given James a kind of ultimatum: respond to tell me you want me to keep in touch or I’ll assume you wish me to stop writing to you.

Disappointment wasn’t a strong enough a word to describe how Ben felt about James’ abandonment of his past connections. He refused to consider that James had discarded him; that was just too hard to bear. He couldn’t help but think James’ new life must be everything he ever wanted, everything he dreamed of, and his hometown friends were a memory he preferred to leave behind. Sadly, Ben acknowledged the odds were that a person as wonderful as James had found that someone special and old friends—even best friends like him—were superfluous.

As much as he disliked it, Ben considered trying to email James, though if James had wanted to keep in touch he could easily have gone that route himself, but James hadn’t bothered. It seemed James wanted to let the contact fade.

For a moment, Ben considered going to New York and visiting James to see for himself just how his friend was faring in his new life, but he soon dismissed the idea. It was doubtful Ben’s unexpected arrival would be welcome. Ben would probably talk too much anyway, tell James more than he wanted to hear and more than Ben could afford to reveal. Though part of Ben thought that surely James knew how he really felt about him. Ben wasn’t too good at keeping his feelings under wraps. He’d believed, too, that James shared his attachment, but that James just wasn’t ready at the time. Perhaps one day…

The day James had left for New York, Ben had told him that he had his own dream to follow. Maybe it was time to stop living his life as an extension of James Lilley and concentrate on making more of himself. Then, when the day came that James finally did come home, he would find a new, improved Benjamin Short waiting for him.


Torquere Press

Choices Square

Meet the Author

STEVIE WOODS is a Brit living in the Northwest of England who has left her day job behind – though it’s a quandary that there still doesn’t seem to be much more free time in her day!

A long time avid reader of romance with a dash of adventure, Stevie only stumbled over ‘slash’ pairings a few years ago and was an immediate convert. Having dabbled with writing on and off for years, it wasn’t long before Stevie was tapping away on the keyboard inventing stories around two hot guys, gaining her first publication in the summer of 2007.

Stevie likes reading stories with a good strong plot and believable characters and does her best to create them in her own work.

Stevie has a soft spot for Historical settings but also thoroughly enjoys SF and Fantasy, Paranormal and Contemporary, finding the similarities as intriguing as the differences. Stevie already has a variety of novels, novellas and short stories released by MLR Press, Phaze Books and Torquere Press.

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New Release Blitz: The Wolves of Daos 5 by Rebecca James (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  The Wolves of Daos 5

Series: Wolves of Daos 5 1

Author: Rebecca James

Publisher:  Rebecca James

Cover Artist: Brandyjo Newton

Release Date: September 24, 2016

Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 195

Genre: Romance, Science Fiction, mpreg, shifter, paranormal,

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Michael has wrestled with anxiety his entire life, and finding out he’s half-werewolf doesn’t help matters. When bond-mate, Quinn, takes Michael to the werewolf colony, Michael finds more surprises in store for him, and some may be more than he can handle.


     Looking over his shoulder as they walked, Michael saw that the milling crowd that had been gathering at the palace gates now filed in behind them, as though they’d been waiting for Quinn and Michael’s arrival in order to be admitted. Looking ahead, a vast courtyard lay before them with pruned hedges and extensive gardens that had been cut back in preparation for the coming winter. Michael’s heart picked up when he spotted what appeared to be several huge lizards lounging in the inner courtyard near the front of the palace where he and Quinn were not, thankfully, headed.
    “Komodo dragons?” Michael asked.
     “What? Oh, yes. We brought them here from Indonesia. Very effective deterrents to trespassers.”
     “I’ll bet.” Michael stared at the frightening creatures.
     “This way,” Quinn said, setting off toward the side, passing through an archway and along an ivy-covered wall where two guards led three chained and naked men headed for a door leading away from the main part of the stone structure. Quinn propelled Michael toward a larger iron door at the far end of the narrow lane. Michael couldn’t help but stare at the men. Were they slaves? They certainly appeared to be, with their dirty appearance and hands and feet manacled and the long chain connecting them one to the other.
    “Prisoners,” Quinn said, as though answering Michael’s unasked question. Sometimes he really did seem to read Michael’s mind. “Escor. Scum.”
     The corridor leading to the door was narrow and crowded. Quinn wrapped his arm around Michael’s waist and maneuvered them through, while Michael continued to stare at the prisoners. He’d never seen anyone like them; completely hairless, lacking even eyebrows and lashes, with long, slim feet and oddly-shaped heads. Two large werewolves wearing red tangas and brandishing curved sticks urged the prisoners along. As Quinn and Michael passed the line of men, one looked directly at Michael, his silver eyes with dark, vertical pupils reminding Michael of a snake. Michael thought they must be contact lenses—he’d seen some that gave a similar effect. As Michael returned the gaze, quick as lightning, the man’s tongue darted out, thin and forked, touching Michael on the arm at the same time that Atlas yelled and pulled Michael backward until his shoulder hit the opposite wall. Quinn threw himself at the prisoner, his hands around the man’s thick throat.


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Wolves of Daos 5 Square

Meet the Author


Rebecca James writes m/m and m/m/m romance in the contemporary, paranormal, and sci-fi genres. Writing has been her passion since childhood, but it wasn’t until recently that she got up the courage to publish. She lives in the southern United States with her husband and three children.

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Book Blitz: Beach Rental, M/M Anthology by M.T. Aspen, Asta Idonea, Dale Cameron Lowry, Lynn Townsend, Jamie Lowe, & Rob Rosen (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Title:  Beach Rental, M/M Anthology

Author: M.T. Aspen, Asta Idonea, Dale Cameron Lowry, Lynn Townsend, Jamie Lowe, & Rob Rosen

Publisher: Torquere Press

Release Date: September 24, 2016

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 32,000 Words

Genre: Romance, Contemporary Romance, Erotic-Romance

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In Drinks Over Sunset by M.T. Aspen, Vagabond Witt’s flight from his past is unexpectedly stalled by a gorgeous expat. But if Dean holds on too tightly, he’ll only inflict more pain on the man he loves. In Lick by Asta Idonea, Jay is unimpressed when his parents drag him on a seaside holiday to Bournemouth. However, the English summer heats up when he meets sexy ice cream seller Aland. In Pacific Rimming by Dale Cameron Lowry, Turning forty makes Mike feel old, so his husband, Ken, helps him recapture his youth in a ménage a trois with a gorgeous younger man. Can what started as a one-night stand transform into a threesome that lasts?

In Sea Salt & Chocolate by Lynn Townsend, Marriage is hard work, everyone knows that. Will a summer vacation lead to reigniting sparks between Eric and Temple, or will it tear their family apart? In Weekend Encounter by Jamie Lowe, Jackson may not be looking for romance during a weekend getaway with his friends, but that doesn’t mean romance isn’t looking for him. When Jackson encounters Logan, his plan to third wheel with his buddies is derailed in the best way possible. In Yin and Yang by Rob Rosen, An unexpected early morning encounter between a surfer and California newbie leads to much more than either ever expected along a deserted stretch of pristine beach. Love, it seems, is in the misty sea air!


Sea Salt & Chocolate

by Lynn Townsend

“The carpet’s stainproof,” Eric said, quiet under his breath as Temple stood over the spot while Miriam sobbed on the sofa. “We can just rag it up, not a big deal.”

“This is why we can’t have nice things,” Temple retorted, very quietly. The sentiment was entirely sincere, for that moment in time, but not something he really wanted Miriam to glom on to and drag out as ammunition later in life.

“Ya always did have an uptight streak a mile wide,” Eric said. He had already fetched a washcloth and was blotting up the stain. Astonishingly enough, the white carpet was reporting back clean.

Miriam took advantage of her parents cleaning the carpet to flee the scene. By the time Eric had finished blotting up chocolate milk and carefully drying the spot, she was back from a complete exploration of the house—excluding, of course, her brother’s room, he had locked it against her, and even then, Temple could hear her banging on the door and demanding to be let in, along with A.J.’s crackling baritone denials—and declared “I’m bored.”

“We’ve been here for—” Temple checked his watch “—twenty minutes. You have at least another forty minutes before you’re allowed to be bored.”

“There’s nothin’ to do, Dad,” she complained.

“What would you be doing if you were at home?”

“Watchin’ YouTube.”

“Get me your phone and I’ll hook you up to the wireless,” Eric said. A.J. had registered a number of complaints about Miriam getting a phone so young, since he’d had to wait ’til he was twelve before they’d added his line, whereas Miriam got her phone only a few months back. Temple had gotten tired of Miriam constantly stealing his phone and playing Minecraft on it. It had been much easier, not to mention peaceful, to just let everyone in the house have a device.

Temple sighed, gazing down at his husband, who remained on the floor while he dealt with a six-year-old’s crisis. Eric had gone back to school, pursuing a degree in architecture, but he’d also taken on most of the household duties, including the emotional nurturing of their children, and at the same time, Temple had discovered himself shoved to the side. Their children went to Eric for comfort first, and Temple only when Eric wasn’t available. Oddly, Temple found he missed it. Missed little arms thrown around his neck, missed the trembly smiles after getting a Band-Aid.

And whose fault is that? He asked himself. You were eager enough to give it up, when Eric offered. Your family’s not broken yet, you can still fix it before it gets too far off track. And Eric’s right. I can’t remember the last time we had a lot of time together, without any responsibilities.


Torquere Press

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