Category: Book Blitz

Book Blitz: Will & Patrick’s Happy Ending (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author: Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths Title:  Will & Patrick’s Happy Ending Series Title and Number: Wake Up Married, Episode 6 Publisher:  Leta Blake Books Release Date:  4/15/16 Genre:  Romantic Comedy, M/M Romance Tags:  gay, woke up married, rom-com, happy ending Heat Level: 5 Pairing: M/M Length: 127 pages Add to Goodreads Synopsis Follow Will …

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Book Blitz: The Spider’s Web by Sophia Beaumont (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author: Sophia Beaumont Title:  The Spider’s Web Publisher:  Torquere Press Cover Artist: Kris Norris Release Date:  May 4, 2016 Heat Level: 1 Pairing: m/f Length: 59,000 words Genres/Tags: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy Add to Goodreads Synopsis After being released from a Toronto psych ward, Evie decides that her life needs a drastic change. Moving …

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Book Blitz: Bad Cops by A.J. Llewellyn (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title:  Bad Cops Author: A.J. Llewellyn Series Title and Number: Laid, #2 Publisher:  Torquere Cover Artist: Release Date:  5/4/16 Pairing: M/M Length: 19,000 words Genre/Tags: BDSM, Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, Humor, Menage, Mystery, Gay Fiction Add to Goodreads Synopsis Bad Cop Diaries Book 2 – Jack Cannon’s sexy ex Will Tallman is a cop on …

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Book Blitz: Circle of Change by Laney Cairo (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author: Laney Cairo Title:  Circle of Change Publisher:  Torquere Press Release Date:  Previously released in 2009 Heat Level: 4 Pairing: M/M Length: 66,000 words Genre/Tags: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Trans, Inspirational Romance Add to Goodreads Synopsis Life is hard for Kim, struggling with homophobia at school in his senior year, and with loneliness as he journeys …

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Book Blitz: Devoted Alpha by DC Juris (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author: DC Juris Title:  Devoted Alpha Series Title and Number: Alpha/omega Verse #2 Publisher:  Torquere Press Cover Artist: Kristian Norris Release Date:  April 27, 2016 Heat Level: 5 Pairing: male/male Length: 11,334 words Genre/Tags: M/M Romance, Science Fiction Warnings: Male Lactation, Infantilism, Kink Add to Goodreads Synopsis Sokel and Sebastian from “Broken Alpha” are back. …

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Book Blitz: One Warlock’s Love Story: Knight and Dae by Shad O. Walker

Author: Shad O. Walker Title:  One Warlock’s Love Story: Knight and Dae Series Title and Number: One Warlock’s Love Story, Book 6 Publisher:  Torquere Press Cover Artist: Brandon Clay Release Date:  April 27, 2016 Heat Level: 5 Pairing: Male/Male Length: 68,955 words Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy Add …

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Book Blitz: Fool For Love Anthology (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title:  Fool for Love Authors: Jessica Chase Keelan Ellis L.J. Hamlin Asta Idonea DC Lowry Lila Mathews Cassandra McMurphy Charles Payseur DM Roberto Lynn Townsend Monica Wang Edited by B. Luckowski Publisher:  Torquere Press Cover Artist: Kris Norris Release Date:  April 20, 2016 Heat Level: 5 Pairings: Male/Male, Female/Female Length: 59,800 Genre/Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Fantasy, …

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Book Blitz: Who Better Than Canyon? by DC Juris (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author:  DC Juris Title:   Who Better Than Canyon? Publisher:  Torquere Cover Artist: Kristian Norris Release Date:  4/20/16 Heat Level: 1 Pairing: Male/Male Length: 17,549 words Genre/Tags: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Sweet Romance Add to Goodreads Synopsis When Canyon’s ex-lover, Robert, dies, he leaves behind a last request that Canyon take word of his passing to Simon, an …

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Book Blitz: A Normal Girl by Angora Shade (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title:  A Normal Girl Author: Angora Shade Publisher:  Torquere Press Cover Artist: Kris Norris Release Date:  April 13th, 2016 Heat Level: 5 Pairing: Male/Female Length: 26,000 words Genre/Tags: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotica, Romance, Fetish Add to Goodreads Synopsis   Ryan, a geeky technology apprentice student, is determined to lose his virginity. Shy by nature, his lack …

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Book Blitz: An Erie Garden Party by V. L. Locey (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title: An Erie Garden Party Author: V.L. Locey Series: Lake Erie Shifters, Book 3 Publisher:  Torquere Press Release Date: 4/13/16 Pairing: Male/Male Length:  32k words Genre/Tags: Paranormal, M/M Romance Add to Goodreads Synopsis Spring has finally arrived along the shores of Lake Erie and no one is happier than skunk shifter, Templeton Reed. Now that …

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