New Release Blitz: The Red Twins by Dianne Hartsock (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title:  The Red Twins

Series: The Karthagana, Book Two

Author: Dianne Hartsock

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 08/06/2024

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 110100

Genre: Fantasy, fantasy, magic, sorcerers, mage, twins, psychic powers, military, hurt-comfort, established couples

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Seventeen years of relative peace have passed in Belega while the Karthagans thrive. But this hard-won respite is drawing to an abrupt end. The Red Twins have come of age. Aiden is chosen to lead his people, as is his right as the older twin. But Ethan disagrees. Driven by jealousy, not only of Aiden’s status and friendships but also of his new lover, Ethan attacks, seeking to destroy all Aiden holds dear. But Aiden’s powers are growing, and at the moment, are far stronger than Ethan’s. Thwarted, Ethan flees Karthag, leaving Aiden alone to care for their people.

Things aren’t going any better for Natan on Sennia. Old jealousies are revived, and the Vice-King imprisons all with the ability to bend nature to their will. So far, Natan’s successor, Niko, has escaped capture, but his wife has been taken, and lies dying alone in her cell. Enraged, driven mad by grief, Niko attacks the Vice-King and flees to Belega, there to lick his wounds and gather his strength to return, seeking vengeance.

The Karthagan power over nature is stirring to life once more, and Aiden finds his people besieged from all sides. Niko takes refuge on the Isle of Wind, power and death in his hands. Ethan is in Siagan, calling up the power of the lake. And another enemy emerges: the lords of Fredrik’s Hall, set to learn the Karthagan secrets. Natan joins Aiden, and together with the Belegan armies, they strive to overcome the madness threatening their very lives. Aiden holds the power, but only Natan with his pure heart can heal the wounds of the earth. And then, only if he has the strength to do so.


The Red Twins
Dianne Hartsock © 2024
All Rights Reserved

Natan stood at the prow of the swift schooner and leaned over the rail, excitement coursing through him, with the sea spray stinging his cheeks into glowing life, his chestnut hair streaming as a banner behind him. He wished once again Kavi was with him. Kavi would love this. The morning sun glinted on the clear water and a few tattered clouds gave depth to the blue vault overhead. Natan drew a deep breath and laughed aloud in the pure joy of life.

His pulse sped as they approached Belega’s white shores after having been at sea for over a week. The anchor dragged, slowing the schooner, and men rushed to lower the sails and make ready the small boats to take the passengers to the dock. As they neared the harbor, Natan climbed onto the railing, gripping the rigging as he leaned out over the water, straining to see. His heart gave a bounding lurch when he spotted Kavi on the sand, and he leaped into the air, diving effortlessly into the deep sea.

He swam to the beach with practiced strokes. Kavi waited, flushed and smiling, as Natan climbed from the water and strode purposefully to him. Natan’s wet clothing clung to his lean body, and Kavi’s color deepened when he drew close, stirring Natan’s blood. Even after seventeen years together, Kavi still stole his breath. Engulfing Kavi in his arms, Natan lovingly whispered his name. He found Kavi’s lips and kissed him mercilessly before he pulled away with a self-conscious laugh and touched Kavi’s bruised mouth. “Sorry.”

“I’m not.” Kavi ran his fingers through Natan’s dripping hair. Natan’s chest heaved, and Kavi made an appreciative sound as he pressed against him.

A polite cough separated them. The remaining passengers had been rowed ashore along with Commander Cecil, who watched them with a grin on his face. Kavi gave Cecil a friendly nod, then turned to the young man at Cecil’s side and pulled him into an embrace. “I’m glad you came, Ellis. How was the voyage from Sennia?”

“Too long. It’s good to be on dry land again.”

“He never did gain his sea legs,” Natan divulged with a teasing smile.

“Ha!” Kavi kept Ellis at his side. “I’ll tell you a secret. No one enjoys the ocean like our dear Mage here.”

Natan’s face heated. “Probably true, Kavi.”

Ellis chuckled, warming Natan’s heart. Until recently, Ellis rarely smiled, never allowed anyone to touch him. Several years ago, he’d been made to watch his parents’ torture and murder by the Vice-King’s men for sedition. Only Natan’s impassioned plea to the court had saved his young life.

Natan had once again roused the animosity of Vice-King Danul that day, but well worth it. Ellis had his mother’s joyous features, his unique amber eyes standing out against his black hair and golden-brown skin, a combination of his mother’s fair Belegan complexion and his father’s darker Sennian heritage. Although not a tall man, he was agile and fearless and easily a match for the men he sparred with back home.

Natan glanced around expectantly. “Alek isn’t meeting us?”

“He was detained and sends his apologies,” Kavi told him. Natan wondered what was behind the shadow that fell over Cecil’s features on hearing his lover hadn’t come. As the head of the Karthagan people, Alek would be needed in the city. Especially these last few days, arranging for Aiden’s ascension ceremony. The Red Twin had come of age and would assume his role as leader. It was why Kavi had been with his kin a month now. To help with preparations.

Kavi held horses ready for the short ride to the city of Karthag. It delighted Natan to see Syros waiting for them at the city gates as they approached, and he slid from his mount. He hadn’t expected the Regent of Barkuit to meet them.

“My lord!” He bowed quickly, and Syros pushed the hand he held out aside to embrace him.

“How are you, Mage?”

“I’m well. How is your little boy?”

A tender smile touched Syros’s lips and he answered eagerly. “Excellent. I would have brought him, but Dani’s teething…” Syros flushed. “Forgive my enthusiasm, but of course I find him the most wonderful child on the planet. His mother would be proud—” Syros pressed his lips together, pain shadowing his gray eyes.

Natan touched his arm, compassion tightening his chest. Syros’s wife had died giving birth to their son. “I grieve for your loss, Syros. We all miss Sharana.”

The earnest young man waiting with Syros stepped forward and stretched out his hand. “Hello, Mage.” He nodded his head to Cecil and Ellis.

“My lord Willum.” Natan bowed to the Governor of Barkuit. At seventeen, Willum was a fit, muscular man of medium height, with the light attractive features of his mother, though there was a firmness to his lips that spoke of his strong-willed father.

He grinned at Natan now, eyeing his wet clothing, then flicked a glance at Kavi’s damp tunic. “Impatient, my lord? Never mind. Will you come to the castle? The air can turn chilly on the coast.” Willum’s mouth quirked and Natan’s smile broadened at the teasing.

“You know Ellis.” Natan pulled Ellis, who had been standing behind him, to his side.

“Of course.” Willum shook his hand while Syros bowed in his grave manner.

The group made their way to the courtyard, where they parted to clean up from the voyage. Natan noted the tiny smile playing on Kavi’s lips and caught his heated glances as Cecil led them up a stairway and down a long hallway of the castle, talking animatedly with Ellis all the while. Cecil paused outside the door to Kavi’s room and motioned them in but inexplicably remained in the doorway to belabor a point with Ellis. Natan watched them through narrowed eyes, then reached around Kavi to swing the door shut, Cecil barely managing to save his fingers as the heavy wood slammed on their grinning faces.

Once they were alone, Natan pulled Kavi close and Kavi laughed, tugging on Natan’s shirt. “Out of these wet clothes, Nattie.”

He helped Natan remove his sodden tunic, a hiss of anger escaping him on seeing the scars and fresh welts crisscrossing Natan’s chest and back. “The Vice-King goes too far. What was it this time? You can’t—”

“Hush.” Natan began to undo the braid in Kavi’s dark hair. He pulled Kavi into his arms as the familiar craving to have him ever closer took possession.

“The others will wonder where we are,” Kavi warned with a quick breath as Natan nimbly undid the ties on Kavi’s tunic, baring his torso.

“I don’t care,” Natan mumbled, staring at the dark nubs on Kavi’s chest, beautiful against his olive skin. He leaned down to blow cool air on a nipple and watched it tighten under his gaze. His mouth watered. “I haven’t seen you in a month. They can wait.”

He had to take tight control of his desire, slow down before he devoured Kavi whole, to be rewarded by Kavi’s gasp when he licked the sensitive point. A thrill shot through Natan. Even after all this time, his lover could still start that delicious ache inside as he anticipated Kavi’s skillful touch.

Drawing the tight little nub between his teeth, Natan tugged gently, Kavi’s deep moan jolting him with triumph and lust. Kavi squirmed as he licked and nibbled the tiny captive. Was he…? Natan dropped his hand and groped the front of Kavi’s pants, grinning when he felt the hard length under the thin material. Setting his palm on Kavi’s tight stomach, he slipped his hand inside his clothing.

Kavi’s breath hitched and he moaned Natan’s name. Natan momentarily lost his restraint. Kavi’s skin was warm and tight as Natan licked his way downward. He tugged off Kavi’s pants as he knelt and buried his face in the soft curls nestling his heavy cock. Natan’s heart tripped as he breathed in the heady scent of his man: his musk and sweat.

He needed more. Turning his head, he licked along the extended vein on Kavi’s hard length, took it in his mouth, and Kavi cried out when Natan lodged him in the back of his throat, swallowing convulsively. Kavi’s balls were heavy in his hand and he gently rolled them. Still not enough! He needed Kavi sprawled on the bed, spread open and eager for him.

He rose to his feet and gently pushed Kavi backward onto the soft quilts of the bed behind them, the yearning to find release in his lover’s body swamping him. His heart leaped at Kavi’s soft laugh and Kavi splayed his legs, offering himself for Natan’s pleasure. Natan widened his eyes at the erotic sight, his breath catching when Kavi lifted his hips. Moistening his lips, Natan bent and once again took Kavi’s delicious cock into his mouth, allowing his fingers to stray lower.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Meet the Author

Dianne is the author of paranormal/suspense, fantasy adventure, m/m romance, the occasional thriller, and anything else that comes to mind. She lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play. She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house with a fire crackling on the hearth and a cup of hot coffee warming her hands, which kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

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